Friday, June 29, 2007

visualize whorled peace

I've been ignoring the whorls story. I'm assuming it's just the Coriolis effect.

Whenever I try to think about this, my brain hurts. Being gay is correlated with being left-handed. Being left-handed correlates strongly with being young, intelligent and wealthy. People who self-identify as gay tend to be younger and wealthier than the general populace. Polar bears are left-handed.
Wikipedia has this to say about differences between left-handers and right-handers:

Left-handed persons are thought to process information using a "visual simultaneous" method in which several threads can be processed simultaneously. Another way to view this is such: Suppose there were one thousand pieces of popcorn and one of them was colored pink. The right-handed person — using the linear sequential processing style — would look at the popcorn one at a time until they encountered the pink one. The left-handed person would spread out the pieces of popcorn and visually look at all of them to find the one that was pink. A side effect of these differing styles of processing is that right handed persons need to complete one task before they can start the next. Left-handed people, by contrast, are capable and comfortable switching between tasks. This seems to suggest that left-handed people have an excellent ability to multi-task, and anecdotal evidence suggests that there are more creative stems due to this ability to multi-task.

Who dyes popcorn one piece at a time? How gay is that?